2020 End of Year Message

  • To my GOL comrades.

    By way of continuing the tradition of End of Year messages, I’d like to thank all our members for what can only be described as a “memorable” twelve months.

    Hell of a year, In fact. And my first full year as 2iC to all of you. 😉

    It’s been a rollercoaster for me personally. They were quite some shoes to fill after Filth stepped down last year. So large in fact, that half way through I decided to swap shoes completely, and go for a more comfortable pair of house moccasins. They may not be as robust or hard wearing as Filth’s combat boots, but they’re comfortable and they don’t scratch the Lino.

    And, after a reorganisation of the NCO Corps, we now have a line of sturdy size ten boots lined up in the hallway. With two burly sergeants and a few very motivated corporals ready to slip them on at any given time.

    That is the end of the footwear metaphor, clearing the way for a whole new metaphor to arise later during this post.

    Ya know, I’ve found leadership to be like a sizeable lake. (Sigh...already)

    There are streams running into it, and rivulets running out of it.

    Some of those streams have beaver dams and rockfalls holding back the water, whilst others make a run for the sea, becoming larger, forming rapids, whirlpools and waterfalls, only to widen, become calmer and slower running, until finally, they free themselves from the shackles of the land, and merge in to the ocean beyond.

    I’ve also found leadership to be like a bird. But I really can’t be arsed to describe that.

    From a personal point of view, I want to thank all of the NCO’s for their hard work and support, and I hope that, with their help, I have learned to adapt and grow from where I started. It’s only with your support that this has been possible.

    I won’t always get things right, or even half right, but I can only hope that you have felt increasingly able to talk to me about issues and expect a fairer ear, and an arm round the shoulder when it’s needed.

    Everyone, from mission maker, to trainer, coder to moderator, infantryman and pilot to leader, plays a vital role in keeping this group alive, and making it a fun environment to spend time in.

    The ONLY thing I ask of you all is, as UJ put in one of his recent posts, to be kind to one another. That really rung true for me. It’s really the glue that keeps us coming back. Friendship forged from common interests and bonds through experiences.

    Jesus said that you should treat people as you would wish to be treated.

    He was, as ever, wrong.

    If you have masochistic tendencies, you should not treat people masochistically, but rather, as THEY would wish to be treated.

    I’m NOT Jesus. I’ve come to realise that now. Although I’m not averse to a bit of Humus, and a diet of fish and wine would suit my future Mediterranean lifestyle adequately.

    But let’s create 2021 in our own image. With Kindness. Helpfulness. Support. Friendship.

    So Happy Christmas, my disparate friends.

    I look forward to another year of trials and tribulations with the great GOL.


    2iC to, well, everyone.

  • Thank you Pilgrim for the great work you put in! It's a shame I've been so absent this year, so I'm glad you chose to stick to your guns a little longer. This way I may yet come to enjoy your leadership a bit more in the coming year when my life finally starts settling a little.

    Also thank you to all of GOL for the great time and dialogue. It's always a pleasure with you lads.