End of the Year Message 2019 - And News

  • Dear comrades, dear friends,

    have a merry Christmas. I hope you get to spend it with your friends and loved ones, get some time off work, and get some gifts, too!

    It's been a big year of significant progress for the group. The council has been reinstated and all of our technical assets, including Forums, TS, Gameserver, and mod repository, have been rebuilt from the ground up. The group is now more in control of itself than it has been for many years. This was only possible due to the tireless efforts and the generosity of many of our members. You know who you are, thank you!

    It's also been a big year of progress for me, personally. I finally managed to complete my professional training. Those were the worst years of my life. Doing 50h of work per week at times, for hardly any pay, and with added studying on top, is not the best situation to be in when you're also the leading member of the group. But I dare say it's been a good run.

    This is the third Christmas message I post to the GOL as their leading member. It is also the last.

    A new job, a relationship, and too little time with friends and family make it necessary for me to step down as the leading member of the GOL.

    I hope to leave the group to my successors Staff Sergeant Pilgrim & Sergeant Chroma in a much better state than I found it. We're tactically much more proficient than we were. We've got a top notch NCO Corps in 1-1. We now have a reserve system that allows casual players and former members to stay in touch. Council saw a much needed revision, and is now back to its former role of representing all members of the group. We have a revised Code of Conduct, finally putting the values of this community into words. We are a tight knit community with members who take an active interest.

    The GOL had gone through an unfortunate process of shrinking by almost 50% when I took over. I was unable to halt the further decay of the member base.

    The main problem I saw when I took responsibility was that our quality was insufficient. I set out to improve this. I've done what I could in terms of training and procedures. I dare say I've lead by example, and it has had a considerable effect on the conduct of every member of the group today. I've worked hard to improve our organisational structure, with some success. These are my accomplishments.

    However, after all this, the group is still shrinking almost on a monthly basis. This is the source of a massive sense of failure for me personally, even though I realise that some of the circumstances that lead to this situation are entirely out of my control. Regardless, in recent past it has become painfully obvious that the group is fighting for its survival. I can not contribute anything other to that fight than what I already have contributed. I would argue therefor, that the time is right for me to step aside.

    The continued loss of members, and the absence of new ones, is the biggest problem for the group at this time, and the biggest and most important challenge of my successors.

    Former leading figures in the history of this community did their thing until they were burnt out entirely. Former leaders disappeared suddenly and definitively. I would like to try a different approach.

    I am not burnt out. Leadership in 1-1 must be one of the masochistically most enjoyable, fun things I've ever done in my life. The creativity Arma 3 allows still gives it a sense of novelty for me, and I still enjoy seeing the gameplay develop over the years. More than ever I appreciate the social aspect, the friendships within the community. GOL is a place I proudly call home.

    Because of this, I will remain in active service as an NCO and continue to actively contribute to leadership, tactics, and mission making. I offer my full support to my successors in these and all other matters.

    My gratitude goes to all the GOL, former and current, who have made this group what it is. Regardless whether you make big efforts for the group, or just show up to play. Every little contribution is valuable, and will be valuable to sustain us in the future.

    In a very weird and surprising way, the GOL have helped me to grow up as a real life person. Develop skills I didn't even know I had. Pursue an interest in military matters. Practice a foreign language in a high stress environment on a regular basis. Meet people from all over the continent and develop lasting friendships. The group is extremely precious to me and I'd hate to see it die. Unfortunately, I'm not blind to the fact that the days of any gaming community are numbered, and so are ours.

    I look forward to being part of whatever future we have left, thankful for the times we had.

    I wish you all happy holidays and a happy new year 2020. See you on the other side.



  • Firstly, Filth, thank you for stepping up when our previous leadership structure dissolved.

    It’s been an increasingly tough job, as our numbers have dwindled and various inter clan difficulties emerged and were solved.

    What we have now is a group with a wide set of skills who are empowered to step up and take on various structural and leadership roles.

    It’s a very unified, cooperative and friendly atmosphere we have now. And frankly I’d rather have a smaller group with that vibe, than a larger group with crippling interpersonal issues throughout. At least for now...

    The whole website transition was achieved surprisingly well, with the team working together to iron out all the creases.

    You leave the leadership role and clan generally in great health and a far easier position to fill, with a well defined and enthusiastic support structure of members.

    On a personal note, you’ve been great to be a number 2 for.

    MOSTLY patient, ;) ALWAYS forgiving.

    It wasn’t a role i felt I particularly deserved or could effectively achieve at the time, but you have given me a lot of encouragement and I hope I’ve improved as time has gone on.

    As a friend, I should bloody well hope this means you can earn some money and get yer ass back over for some more fireside chat and drunken behaviour.

    Big boots to fill. The Papa Smurf title will be retired, like a football shirt.

    Secondly, I share your deep concerns about the future of our group, but one thing is for sure. Even if at some point numbers dwindle to a point where regular missions are impossible, or a restructuring of events occurs, there is still opportunity down the line to carry the group onto fresh ground. Be it Arma 4 or A.N. Other as yet unidentified successor. We must be open to change; adapt or die.

    Our inherent love of gaming and strength as a team is transferable. In that regard, GOL is a flag to rally round, more than it is a group focused on just one game.

    As for my leading. I hope you all feel able to talk to me about any group matters.

    As the group has changed, so the role of leader has changed. Not so much weight now needs to be placed on one person alone. The load can be spread.

    I will need everyone to do their best to bring in new members, and I can see the efforts already being made, but i also understand how hard that will be.

    For however long my tenure is, I hope you all feel you can support this lump of coal until, as is the way of life, I too hand it on to a fresher pair of hands.

    I’d also like to congratulate Chroma on his promotion. We started a while ago learning to work together and hopefully we can take that forward.

    Have a great Christmas you glorious bastards, and if you need to talk to me, please contact me either here, or on my steam.

    Steam Name: chillpilgrim100
